Friday, February 17, 2012

The Yin and Yang of Nutrition for the Middle-Aged Runner

Some say the fourth discipline of Triathlon is "nutrition."  Complete books have been written about getting the right kinds of food into your system.  How many grams of protein should you consume before your workout, if any?  How long is the post-workout window for protein consumption?  All-liquid calories during the race?  Watered-down Gatorade or separate Gatorade and water?  What qualifies as "good fat?"  And what Madison Avenue executive decided that only 13-year olds and gym rats are buying whey protein powder?  (I feel less shame buying Preparation H or a box of tampons than buying a big jar of "Body Fortress" or "Nitro-Pro" at the grocery store.) 

But no one (until now) has authored a guide for how to REMOVE all the spent fuel from your system, and preferably not in the middle of a race.  Look no further than The Fourth Discipline for your guide to a regular, and frighteningly efficient evacuation system for your fuel.

Yes, Metamucil should be the Official (pre-)Sports Drink of the Middle Age Runner.  Forget about all the quasi-nutritious claims on the label.  You are not drinking it for your heart health or because it has a juicy orange on the front.  This drink gets its business done, and gets it done well.

This magical drink will make you so predictably regular, you can set your watch to it.  In fact, I no longer measure my age in years, but rather by empty jars of Metamucil.  The Roman Calendar is now obsolete, thanks to psyllium husk fiber grown in the Middle East. 

This old man recommends consuming two tablespoons mixed in 6 ounces of water, 12 hours before the run or race.  (I prefer it cold and gritty.)  Fuel yourself on race morning any way you want -- and rest assured that Metamucil will keep you "on track."

1 comment:

  1. Am I embarrassed for you? I'm not sure. Having said that, you're right - Metamucil does a runner good.
