Friday, February 24, 2012

Fartleks For Lunch

I had to be at work super early this morning to prepare for a 9am call, so a morning workout was out of the question.  Lunchtime is short, so I had to make the short time count.  I ran 6 miles of "fartleks," Swedish for "speed play" -- 4 minutes at 80% intensity, 1 minute at 100% intensity, 30 seconds at 60%, then repeat.  I've found that interval sessions like this help me get over training plateaus.  Today the fartleks also revealed just how much speed I've lost in trying to develop more slow-twitch endurance.

I have complained for some time now that the Iphone didn't have a simple app for interval training (one that would play your music in the background and give periodic signals when it was time for the next interval).  I just stumbled across "Interval Timer" from Deltaworks that does the job well.  It keeps the screen active too, so that you can skip songs without fumbling around to unlock your phone.

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