Sunday, February 5, 2012

A History of My Fat Face

People who know me fall into two categories:

1) Those who met me sometime before 2007
2) Those who met me sometime after 2007
Coincidentally, the following statements normally come from these two groups of people:

1) (Pre-2007) Good grief, Eric, are you anorexic?
2) (Post-2007) Good grief, Alisha, who was your fatso first husband?

To my knowledge, Alisha has only had one husband this whole time, and he's not anorexic.  He just has a magic face that tends to fatten and shrink to extremes.  Don't believe me?  Observe the following exhibits:

2007 Me

2011 Me

Yes, I'm auditioning to be the new spokesman for a weight loss program called "Year-Round Triathlon Training(R)."  Or at least my face is.

It's funny, when I mentioned to Alisha that I was considering a post like this, she already had a mental library of my "fattest face pictures."  At first I was shocked at the level of detail in that library.  Then I felt bad for having such a balloon face in 2007.  We did have a new baby in 2007, and you know those pregnancy pounds are very hard to shed ...

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