Sunday, January 15, 2012

You know you are middle aged when ...

You start choosing bran-enriched cereals over good-tasting cereals. I periodically try to recapture my youth by wolfing down a bowl of froot loops, like a modern-day Ponce de Leon. I always regret the chalky film that coats each of my teeth. The Lemon Pledge aftertaste. The raw roof of my mouth. The knowledge that 'froot' is nothing more than a mix of 18-lettered ingredients combined in an unnatural freezing and flash superheating process in an unmarked, windowless warehouse on the New Jersey Turnpike.

Give me the unsweetened shredded whole wheat in a bowl of skim. The kind of cereal that used to prompt neighing noises from us kids whenever Mom ate it. She knew exactly what she was doing.

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