Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Pool: A Love-Hate Relationship

Some days I really fight the water in my swim workouts.  And some days, I totally shred it.  Today was a very good day in the water and a real confidence-builder.  It was my fourth consecutive swim of at least 2.5 miles, and I actually really enjoyed it.  For the record, I'm still slower than everyone else in the pool, but my goal is to finish the swim with as much energy as possible, and make up time on the bike and run.

The pool workout is a war of attrition.  Unlike biking and running, where I can run or bike in new areas or with friends, or listen to an all Smashing Pumpkins playlist, the pool is the same every time, every lap.  Sure, I incorporate variations like paddles and a float buoy, backstroke, and various drills, and I play games with my flipturns (ooooh ... let's rotate the body the opposite direction this time!) but it's the same foggy greenish water and the thick black stripe five feet below me.  For as long as the workouts feel, I never regret the swims at the end.  Pulling myself out of the water and flexing in front of the mirror in the Rec Center locker room make it all worthwhile.  But getting into the water first thing in the morning can be a real challenge sometimes.

Given the mind-numbing aspects of swimming, particularly long distances, I can appreciate the days when everything goes well.  Today was one of those days.  Let's hope there are many more in the future!

I don't know how the olympians look so awesome in their swim caps and goggles. 
I can't help but look like a total dork.  So I embrace it.

1 comment:

  1. I bet you're the best looking flexer in the whole rec center. In fact, I'd be willing to put money on it.
