Saturday, August 18, 2012

One long (flat) ride.

Question: How many loops around Hains Point does it take to make 102 miles?

Answer: at least a zillion. But I stopped counting after 10.

This morning I focused on a completely flat course with no stops, since my next two races are completely flat. You'd think that a flat course would be easier, right? You'd be wrong.

A rolling course at least gives your legs a break on the occasional downhill. I found the constant effort required on today's flat ride to be extremely tiring. I actually looked forward to the ride home, simply because it involved a few stop signs!

Here is The Assassin at the intersection of the W&OD and Four Mile Run. I started the ride at 5:20. Note the headlamp wrapped around the stem for a 'light.' Yep, it's dark in the mornings again ...


  1. Your pictures of The Assassin reminds me of Flat Sam pictures! He He He
