Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Half Marathon Before Work

This morning the workout plan called for a half marathon.  So I got up extra early and started running before sunrise.  As I've mentioned before, when I'm training for a longer event, the distances that would normally be events in themselves sometimes get lost in the mix.  There are no medals, no crowds to high-five, and no "13.1" sticker for the car.  But I took some time this morning to enjoy the ability to run 13.1 miles, even though it was just me and the mosquitoes.

Here is the Potomac about 6 miles away from Georgetown.

And Lock House 6.

The run went well -- no complaints, no real soreness, and an 8:00/mi pace (my goal for the end of a half-iron).  I consider myself very lucky to be able to run, and to see such beautiful scenery.  If only my swims were half this interesting ...


  1. What beautiful lush green country to run in and here's my HIGH 5 " " " " " FOR YOU!
    Keep up the good workouts!

  2. The C&O is one of the best places to run in the DC area. We are lucky in that respect.
