Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I must be feeling better ...

Because I just signed up for the Patriots Half-Ironman in Williamsburg VA on September 8.  Bring it! 

I have actually recovered from the Kinetic Half rather quickly this time around.  I took Sunday and Monday off exercising, but I completed an hour of swim drills on Tuesday and rode my bike 47 miles today.  While my feet are still a little fatigued, I plan on running in the next couple of days.  I have a couple of running races on the schedule for June, but nothing else really until IM Florida in November. 

10 Reasons to run the Patriots Half:
  1. It gives me another event to look forward to prior to Ironman Florida.  5 months is just too long to go without a race.
  2. It is still 2 months before Florida, so if there are any problems, I should be able to correct them.
  3. I have a place to stay in Williamsburg.
  4. Rob Stone will be running it as well, and Rob makes any race fun.
  5. The course is flat, similar to the course in Florida.
  6. The swim course is in brackish water.  There is simply no other way to practice open-water swimming than, well, swimming in open water.
  7. Let's be honest.  I've never ranked so high in a multisport event as the Kinetic Half (and the Rumpus, for that matter).  Maybe I want to recapture the magic one more time before I turn into a pumpkin (Florida).
  8. I need to redeem myself for my poor showing on the run course last year (after I ran on only 2 hours of sleep).
  9. Of course, I can't discount the allure of riding The Assassin on the open road with no stoplights, street crossings, or angry pedestrians.
  10. All the free Gatorade, Hammer Gels, and flat Coke that I can consume in 5 hours.  Yummy!

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