Friday, May 4, 2012

Halfway There!

Here is what my training looks like for the first 6 months of training for IM Florida.

My totals so far (including the first few days of May):  Run - 302.5 mi, Bike - 1358.8 mi, Swim 67.9 mi.
As a point of comparison, the last time I trained for an Ironman, these were my totals through April:  Run - 105.3, Bike - 843.9, Swim - 27.36.  Yep, I had no idea what I was doing!

The Kinetic Half-Ironman is next weekend.  It represents the "halfway point" for training.  The Half is a totally different race than the Olympic, because you can never be 100% prepared in all three disciplines. A 6-hour race also takes a good deal more strategy than a 2.5-hour race.  In years past, I have been weak in either the swim or the bike.  I've tried to keep everything a little more balanced this time around, but I am probably the weakest in the run.  Overall run mileage is on target, but I have not run over 12 miles at a time for the last 6 months.  My hope is that because of the extra time I've spent on the bike and in the pool, I'll have a little more energy at the end.

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