Monday, November 12, 2012

Well, that was fun! Now what?

It is that time of year again.  The season is officially over.  The afterglow of my year of hard work is already waning; I get sick to my stomach when the term "race day nutrition" is used; the finisher medals are on their way to becoming either Christmas Tree ornaments or toys in the kids' "dress up bag;" the Halloween candy binge is almost over.  Almost.

I achieved almost all of my goals I set 1 year ago:

1. Finish Ironman Florida in < 12:30.  (Check!  Finished in 11:40.)
2. Finish Half-Ironman in < 5:50.  (Check Twice!  Finished in 5:04 and 5:22.)
3. Finish Olympic Triathlon in < 2:45.  (Check!  Finished in 2:26.)
4. Finish 10K at the end of Olympic Triathlon in < :45.  (Almost -- :45:20 was my best.)

Other personal bests include:

1. Best 1 mi swim in pool (:30:02)
2. Best 2 mi swim in pool (1:02:00)
3. Best 10K run (39:53)

As I begin my offseason every year, I try to put together a race schedule for the following year that will be challenging and one that will match my work/travel/family schedule.  Some years I have branched out into new races; other years I have simply tried to beat previous PRs on the same tracks.  To my running & triathlete friends:  I'm open for suggestions.  New races, new venues, new challenges will be given top priority.

At least one of my favorite races -- Rumpus in Bumpass International -- will not be back this year, or possibly ever.  Because it was usually my first race of the season, my season will necessarily start a few weeks later.  I suppose I am okay with that, because it means fewer runs and rides in the bitter cold.  But it is also very hard to swim on cold mornings, bike on a trainer for hours on end, and run either on a treadmill or in the wind for 5 or 6 months without an opportunity to compete.  The athletic season seems long and complicated until winter hits -- and then you realize just how short and brilliant that summer season was.  My body is looking forward to a less intense November/December, but my addiction to the buzz of competition will certainly give me the "shakes" all winter long.

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