Friday, November 9, 2012

A week off!

I decided several months ago that I would take at least one week completely off swimming, biking, and running after IM Florida.  Over the last 12 months, I only rarely took more than 24 hours off exercise, and when I did, I anxiously checked my biceps every hour or two, fretting about how much my muscles were shrinking. 

This week, I made good on my promise.  I have rediscovered TV, enjoyed several bacon cheeseburgers and about 5 pounds of Halloween candy, and I only set my morning alarm once all week.  My sister-in-law paid for a massage on Wednesday, the kids have mostly slept through the night, and my body has recovered very quickly.  It has been fabulous!  No anxiety, no regret, just rest. 

People have already asked whether I am planning on doing another Ironman.  I will not even consider that question, one way or another, for at least another week.  I'm grateful for a positive race experience, but I do not take my finish for granted. 

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