Thursday, October 4, 2012

Well, this is interesting (to me).

I met with a swim coach on Monday to get a stroke analysis.  Yes, it's about 10 months too late for that, but my goal is to get some objective feedback on my freestyle and to correct one or two habits that are slowing me down the most.

The coolest part of the stroke analysis is getting yourself filmed.  I have never actually seen what I look like when I swim, and while I think I've corrected some bad habits, it's hard to tell without seeing yourself.

Right away, the swim coach pointed out 3 major issues with my freestyle:
1. Underwater pull
2. Entry
3. Recovery

In case you're keeping track, that's basically every part of swinging your arms.  I suppose that means I have a lot to work on. 

If you want to offer your own critique, here are the videos:
It's clear from the videos that I have NOT corrected some of my bad habits!  Time to get back in the pool to work on it ...

1 comment:

  1. The only comment I have is you have an awesome farmers tan on both your arms and legs. I don't have anything else to say. Aka... I don't have any knowledge about swimming worth giving.
