Monday, October 1, 2012

One Month To Go

Saturday I ran around Burke Lake 4 times.  (18 miles as the Garmin flies.)  It took me 2 hours and 38 minutes.  It was probably a mistake to run the last 2 miles, but when you feel good, you have to get in the miles.  And the obsessive-compulsive part of me couldn't simply turn around in the middle -- I had to run the final fourth loop, even though my left knee registered a new protest.

Every once in a while I have the fantasy that I can focus on running for a year and qualify for the Boston Marathon.  But every time, and I mean EVERY time I run past about 16 miles, I remember why I hate training for Marathons so much.  Running is fun and exciting and free for about 10 miles.  Anything after that is a war of attrition.

And speaking of miles, I just completed my 11th month of training for IM Florida.

September was supposed to be my "peak" month.  And while I didn't hit my highest totals in any single category, I hit my longest distances, highest total hours, and actually felt very good through it all.  I have been very lucky so far with injuries and motivation.

My yearly totals for swimming and running are the highest ever for me (and biking is probably a close second).

Swim: 126.94 mi
Bike: 3293.10 mi
Run: 680.28 mi

Am I ready for this race?  Not really.  Am I ready to be done with this training schedule? Absolutely.


  1. If you were to Swim from your home to our home where would you be with 126.94 mi?

    If you were to Bike from your home to ours, where would you be with 3293.10 mi?

    If you were to Run from your home to ours, where would you be with 680.28 mi?

    Just wondering?

    P.S. Those are some pretty impressive totals!

  2. My mom beat me to your post. Ack.

    Can I just say, out loud, that it is very difficult to complain when your husband is training for an IronMan? Because it is.

    It is crazy to see your totals in print. Those miles represent a whole heck of a lotta time, huh!
