Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Some Side-Effects of Ironman Training Are Wicked Good

When I signed up for Ironman, I assigned all other races a "B" or "C" priority.  As I explained earlier, there is really no such thing as a B or C priority race, but the only race I'm specifically training for is Ironman.  That means the focus has all been on slow-twitch muscles for a 10-12 hour race, not speedy fast-twitch muscles that might benefit me in a 1- or 2-hour race. 

But I have discovered that when you double your training hours, a number of side-effects of that training are very good.  For example, Saturday was the annual Lawyers Have Heart 10K.  I have run the race several times.  It's hot, hot, and hot.  I had not put in much speed work in preparation for the race, but I decided to run the first mile at a 6:45-7:00 min/mile pace, then see how I felt.  My first mile was actually 6:17, and I felt strong, so I kept the throttle open.  As I hit the turnaround point, my watch showed 19:47.  Not a bad 5K time for someone focused on long-distance.  But more importantly, I'm obsessive compulsive, and the prospect of a sub-40 minute 10K suddenly loomed larger than life.  Certain races have important thresholds.  For average joes like me, the 40-minute mark always seems a bit too fast, a bit too unattainable.  It's the 4-minute mile threshold for middle-age men.  At the end of the race, I found that I simply lacked the top-end speed, but I did the math, then re-did the math, and decided it was going to be very close.  Finally, with my eyes firmly glued to my watch, I sprinted the final blocks of K Street and finished ... in 39:54! 

Alisha followed shortly after, in another personal record -- 48:45.  It was a good day for the Lacey household, and a very good day for Team BBRS (which came in 6th among small law firms).

Team BBRS: Emily, Owen, Molly, Eric, Allen, Alisha
Team Lacey after the race.  Note the endorphins oozing from our ears.

Yay!  That's the third PR for my new watch this year.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Nice Nice and again Nice!
    Glad to see you soon!
    And it's another race this week-end!!
    Have a nice flight!
    Mom Kristy
