Friday, March 14, 2014

Marathon training is 20% preparation and 80% superstition

Tomorrow is my first 'A Priority' race, the Rock & Roll Marathon. The week, and especially the day before a marathon, I get unusually superstitious.

Oops--Is it bad luck to wear the race shirt before you run?

I also made a late decision to run in my old shoes. My new shoes are the same model, and already have about 50 miles on them, but really, is that enough? These bad boys have over 700. And they still look brand new.

Hyper-hydrating? Check. Packing glycogen? Check. Carbo-loading? You bet. This isn't my first rodeo, and I'm far better prepared for this than any previous marathon, so the superstitions should all go away.

But just in case, Where are my lucky socks?

1 comment:

  1. Way to Go! Eric! So proud of you. I didn't even know that you were running again. I guess it helps to check blogs a little more often?! Yikes, sorry about that!
    And Genevieve's smile, greeting and companion-running for that last minute boost, is the best I can think of, for a "pick me-up-I'll share some of my energy with you-Dad", I can think of! (and A wise Mommy)
    I have one more thing to say! You needed WAY MORE WATER IN THAT TUB - to soak those sore muscles! (with all those marathon miles you ran), YES WAY MORE WATER WAS DESERVED. GREAT JOB ERIC!
    LoL, MOM
