Friday, March 9, 2012

T1 Brick Workout

Friday morning I executed a "T1 Brick," which consists of swimming a mile in the pool, then quickly changing into my bike clothes (T1), and riding the 17 miles to work.  This is acutally a lot more fun in the summertime than in March, but the weather cooperated just enough.

One of the biggest challenges to the T1 workout is figuring out where to hang all my wet and smelly clothes to dry while I make my living at the firm.  I don't have the luxury of a locker room or a back closet in which I can hide my workout paraphernalia.  At any given time, the three hooks on the back of my door hold about 300 pounds of suits, towels, or workout clothes airing out.  The MacAttac also doubles as a drying rack for swim caps, swimsuit, and everything else. 

I do everything I can to make sure that nobody looks behind my door, or worse yet, closes my door to talk to me in private.  There is really nothing more embarrassing than your boss closing your door to talk business, and sweat-soaked clothing falling to the floor in one smelly heap.  Oh, wait -- there is something more embarrassing.  When your boss picks up the aforementioned clothing and attempts to hang it up again.

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