Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Ride That Never Was ...

Friday night I went to bed "early" (10:20) to wake up at a "reasonable time" (5:00am) for a "longish" ride on the tri bike (75 miles).  Bike was ready, clothes were neatly crumpled in a smelly ball, and 8 GUs were ready for rapid consumption.  Just after I turned off the light, this happened:

(Our house is the one in the middle that's missing the top of the chimney.)  A huge wind storm / electrical storm hit the area and knocked out trees, electricity, phone, and even (gasp) the Internet!  While I still entertained the thought of riding anyway, and hopping over "a few" trees on the trail, I'm glad I didn't.  There were broken trees everywhere!  Plus, the thought of a ride in 100 degrees without an air-conditioned home for recovery sounded a little too extreme, even for this Iron Dad.  So instead, we enjoyed the day together as a family, consuming everything we could out of our fridge.

Only a boy scout can gain weight during a power outage ...

So when I have to lumberjack the tree in my backyard, does that count as a weights workout or cardio?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's considered a weight loss workout. All that sweat in the terrible heat must have lowered your weight by, at least two pounds...
